( The Corporate Social Responsibility of IDFC FIRST Bharat Ltd (IFBL) )

In addition to servicing the customers with various financial products that aim at achieving economic growth and financial sustainability for their families, IFBL has developed robust CSR Programs aimed at creating positive impact and contributes to nation building. These programs adopt a holistic approach to development, focussing on Women Empowerment & Child Protection, Education & Environment, Health & Sanitation.


Women Empowerment & Child Protection

IFBL has the advantage of meeting over 26 lac customers every week through its well-placed branch networks. This unique platform is optimally utilised by IFBL for the delivery of its women empowerment programs by organising financial literacy trainings, livelihood support programs etc. The Women Empowerment programs also cover campaigns for International Women’s Day, International Day for elimination of Violence on Women etc.

The child protection and child welfare programs target the children, their parents and teachers through various schools in its operational districts. IFBL collaborates with governmental and non-governmental agencies to raise awareness about crucial social issues affecting children such as drug addiction, addiction to electronic gadgets, child trafficking, sexual harassment (POCSO).


Health & Sanitation

IFBL collaborates with hospitals and mainstream healthcare providers, to organise free general and specialty medical camps in its operational areas. Through these camps, IFBL facilitates free consultation services and higher-level medical investigations/treatments at free/concessional rates, to deserving individuals.

Cattle rearing and dairy farming are some of the important allied agricultural activities, that help the small and marginal farmers in their family’s income generation. These allied activities are especially critical when mainstream agriculture is affected due to natural calamities such as floods, drought and failure of monsoon. As a support measure, IFBL organises veterinary camps and agricultural education programs for the rural population in its operational area.

IFBL also involves in renovating of washroom blocks in girls’ schools aiming to provide clean and hygienic environment. Besides renovating the washroom blocks, it also supports financially to the proper cleaning and maintenance of the renovated washrooms.


Education & Environment

IFBL actively supports national and global initiatives to fight environmental issues such as pollution, global warming etc, by organising various awareness campaigns for general public, schools, colleges etc. Across our entire branch network , we work with district administration and local governance groups (Panchayat & village level groups) to develop forests with native trees following Miyawaki models and donate saplings during various awareness campaigns and training.

IFBL has allocated about 50% of its CSR budget for programs to support education – mainly girl children. The programs for the educational impact are being carried out with dual objectives – to support poor students in continuing higher education and to create state-of-the-art learning facilities for students in schools.

Girls from the under privileged and poor families are being supported with scholarships by IFBL to pursue higher education, post their Higher Secondary education. Most of the beneficiaries are selected based on their families’ socio-economic conditions.

IFBL also facilitates setting up of smart classrooms by providing smart boards, that help widening the horizons of both teachers and students, to bring the global knowledge accessible to the classrooms in government schools. We also help students learn the virtues of using technology for a productive smart learning.


Response to Natural Calamities

IFBL’s always exhibits expeditious and timely response to natural calamities. During the year, it helped the victims of various floods in Kerala, Andra Pradesh, Chennai, Thirunelvelli and Thoothukudi providing immediate relief kits such as food packets, rations and water to about 1.3 lac individuals.